Missional Steps

This gospel is too great to keep to ourselves. That’s why we want to include all our members in some aspect of God’s worldwide mission.

Counseling Steps

As we help others in discipleship, some situations require additional guidance. That’s why we are committed to providing Christ-centered counseling to help people face life’s deep and difficult issues. 

Discipleship Steps

In order to follow the Lord, we must continually make progress in the areas that matter most. Consider how you are using the church’s opportunities for your sanctifying growth. 

Avoiding Adultery

To partake in adultery is to seek temporal satisfaction while neglecting long-term consequences. Discover what God’s Word says about this sin and how to avoid it.

Diminishing Distractions

Technological devices are one of the most successful tools for endangering and distracting us. Determine your convictions before the culture standardizes your practices. 

Parenting Prodigals

It can be disheartening for parents who seek to raise their children in the ways of the Lord to see them turn from it. Learn these biblical principles to reach your children if they drift away.

Furthering Families

Our families are consumed with pursuing achievements and losing each other in the process. Discover biblical principles necessary to further your family toward God’s ideal.

Processing Politics

Knowing that power corrupts on an individual level, we understand that political positions can wield an endangering level of corruption. As we process politics, we must keep them subservient to God’s rule and reign over our lives.

Decreasing Debt

Dissatisfaction leads to unnecessary purchases and increasing debt. Discover God’s principles for decreasing debt and living in financial freedom.