Impatient and Unrealistic Preaching

If I’m honest, I have an impatient attitude and unrealistic expectations for how people should respond to my preaching efforts. God has been extremely patient with me; I might better portray a patience with others as well.

Announcing the Entrust Institute

The Entrust Institute is a unique learning experience partnering with a local church to achieve both seminary training and practical ministry experience. We are committed to the ministry of training those committed to the ministry.

Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month

Some churches go all out, and some churches aren’t even aware that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. While there are many ways you can bless your pastor, this idea will serve him more than any other.

When My Insecurities Increase

I don’t question God’s ability, but I really doubt my own. But in my self-doubting, I am subtly projecting doubt on God as well. If he made me and placed me, do I really believe that he can use me?

Patient Progress

As we minister to people, we quickly realize that growth rarely happens overnight. If we are in the work of discipleship, we must be committed to exhibiting patient progress.

Kingdom Kindness

Within the Church, we have made doctrine and kindness enemies to each other. To the disservice of all, we cause complementary elements to seem confrontational.

Finding Your Voice

Be an original in a world full of imitations. You don’t need to be anyone else other than who God made you to be.

Waypoint Recap – August 2021

We had an incredible Waypoint to celebrate all that the Spirit is doing in the lives of our church members! These are incredible days — let’s not take them for granted!