My 2022 in 22 Pictures

How do you summarize a year in the life of an individual, family, and calling? I went through the archives and decided that the best way to do it was by sharing 22 pictures that best summarize what God did around me in 2022.

When We All Know Our Roles

Nehemiah 11:1-36 – The people of God organized their efforts and installed leaders in critical areas. When we all know our roles, we are better if we serve according to our giftedness and others’ requirements.

Why Pastors Should Post

Pastors can approach social media platforms as available pulpits by which to point others to Jesus. If they are growing personally, they should look for opportunities to share what they are learning.

When Everyone Is Accounted For

Nehemiah 7:1-73 – As the workers prepared to settle into the land, Nehemiah assembled them to ensure all were covered. When everyone is accounted for among the people of God, we can rest knowing that we all have others watching out for us.

When We Work Together

Nehemiah 3:1-32 – As the work on the wall began, Nehemiah organized the people into specific groups to accomplish the greater task. When we work together as the people of God, we can marvel at the progress He intentionally makes among us.

Faith Without Wetsuits Is Dead

Plenty of people felt bad for the lady who lost her wedding ring in the ocean, but only one man did something about it. Our core beliefs ought to spring us into action rather than just cause us to comment.

Ministry “Retirement”

While some ministers dream of a day when they don’t have to work anymore, the Bible gives an example of what ministry retirement should be like. It’s not the same type of work, but it’s just as important.

North Greenville Fuge 2022 Recap

I watched Jesus do some amazing things at Fuge Camp hosted at North Greenville University on July 11-16, 2022. It was an honor to preach and serve alongside an incredible staff and some solid churches.

Unlikely Contributions

We often categorize people’s skills by those which can serve sacred situations and others which can work in secular environments. To our detriment, we wrongly characterize the majority of how God has equipped people to a point of no usability.

Seize the Opportunities God Gives You

Matthew 25:14-30 – In The Parable of the Talents, Jesus taught us to be faithful to steward whatever God has entrusted to us. It’s not about what you have but what you do with what you’ve been given.