Noah and the Ark is Not a Children’s Story

I’m teaching the Old Testament at Lander University and I am also teaching it at our church this Fall.  As I prepare, I am noticing many things about the Old Testament that are misunderstood.  One of them is that Noah and the Ark is not a children’s story.  It’s a story for all of us. It’s deeper than rain and animals.  It has to do with the fact that God takes sin seriously.

Adam and Eve sinned and were banished from the Garden.  Their son, Cain, killed their other son, Abel.  After this event, God blesses them with another son.  When Eve births another son, Seth (Gen. 4:25), solemnity is slowing taking over. Seth’s birth gives a subtle indication of deeper things transpiring with Mankind.

While the first people were made in the image of God, Seth is curiously described as a son in Adam’s “own likeness, after his image” (Gen. 5:3). On the external level, this reveals that Seth’s appearance is similar to that of his father’s. This phrase possibly also acknowledges the fact that these following generations are more and more marred by the curse of sin first seen in the father Adam.

This sinful nature and Adamic likeness grows. Sin continues to pervert, distort, and destroy what is good in God’s creation. Evil increases greatly, and God becomes evermore grieved over Mankind. God begins to impose an age limit of 120 years (Gen. 6:3) except for a few unique exceptions (Abraham lives to 175, Gen. 25:7).

Further, God declares that he is going to destroy his Creation which was good before sin corrupted it. “‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.’ But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD'” (Gen. 6:7-8). The fact that God feels “sorry” does not indicate that he is now aware of something he didn’t see coming and he wish he would have never done it in the first place. God foreknew all that had transpired and all that would transpire. The actualization of enduring Mankind’s sinfulness produces a different type of grief within God than previously described.

Noah is the exception here. Chosen by God for a specific task, Noah “was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God” (Gen. 6:9). God’s wrath was coming for earth ever so filled with violence and corruption (Gen. 6:11-12). To save himself, his family, and a remnant of animals, God instructed Noah to build an ark that could sustain the coming wrath of God (Gen. 6:14-22).

Noah and the Ark was never intended to be a mere children’s story.


1 Decade at North Side

This weekend is a pretty special one for me.  On Sunday, I celebrate two events:

First, I am turning 32.  Just seeing that number is kinda crazy to me.  It’s not a depressing thing, but it just represents a lot of life that God has allowed me to live.  I am very grateful.

Second, I am celebrating 1 decade of being a pastor at North Side Baptist Church.  In a time when some stats say that ministers stay at a church for an average of 2 years, it seems hard to imagine staying somewhere for 10.

10 years ago on my birthday, I began moving my books into an office in the Family Life Center to serve as a full-time yet part-time College and Missions Pastor.  I had just finished up a summer serving M-Fuge in St. Louis, I was engaged to the best girl in the entire world, and I had a hopeful disposition to what was awaiting at North Side.

Things have changed in the last 10 years just a little bit:


Papa Joe Bradford and the Unity Choir

The Greenwood Family YMCA High Hopes Program in partnership with North Side Baptist Church’s Project Love, is thrilled to announce that Papa Joe Bradford and the Unity Choir will be in Greenwood on Friday, August 2nd to perform and worship with all of us! The event will be held at North Side Baptist Church at 7:00 pm.

Papa Joe holds the rare honor of having his triumphant life story inspire a major motion picture,Unconditional. Joe Bradford is one of the country’s most respected leaders and advocates for at-risk and fatherless children. As an author, co-producer, teacher, speaker, and program developer he serves through his unique ability to unite teams for active service and love to the least fortunate. He is known as “Papa Joe” in all circles of influence he touches.

“I was so touched by Joe’s story and by the youth choir,” stated YMCA’s CEO Gray Stallworth after seeing Joe and the Unity Choir at an event near Nashville, TN.


Church Staff Reality TV Show

8dd047dd61b832392e Being on a church staff is not exactly what you think it would be.  Unless you have been a part of one, you can’t really appreciate the randomness that can happen in a week.

Sure there are the tasks that you might expect, but then there are the things they don’t train you for in seminary.  In my first 10 years of ministry on a church staff, I wish I would had been trained how to subdue a violent person, unload a handgun, helping someone who is confident their house is haunted, confront someone siphoning gas from the church parking lot, minister to someone in Jesus name who thinks he is Jesus, bats swooping down on people in worship, how to keep a straight face when people high on medication try to explain why they are in the hospital, and the regular weekly stuff like that.

So, I had this idea.  It’s a great idea even though it will never work.  Wouldn’t you love to see a church staff reality TV show?


The Story of Job

Job Grab

What a wonderful day of worship at North Side!  I got the incredible privilege to preach to finish up our 2-week series, “Through the Storms.”  Ken Petrus did such a fantastic job sharing his heart last week, and it is an honor to follow his lead!

During his message last Sunday, I felt the direction to go in a different path than previously scripted.  I feel like the Holy Spirit was guiding me to preach through the entire Book of Job.

From the perspective of Job.

I went into character for the message today.  I even grew a beard for this message (that’s commitment ;))!  I tried to convey what it’s like when you go through a storm and want to ask God why you are in it.  Then, what it is like when he actually responds.  As I traveled through the book, we would put up key scriptures to keep people moving along.  At the end when God finally speaks, we used some really neat pictures of God’s creation to drive home the truth that God is in control.  The band went right into “Indescribable,” which much of the imagery there comes straight out of Job 38-42.

Today, we worshiped to:


Pastors Are Not Celebrities

On Sunday, I heard my pastor say something that I’ve heard him say many times before.  It doesn’t matter how many people are within earshot, he still says it.  It doesn’t matter the size of our church or the busyness of his schedule. He had just preached this incredible message on the assurance of salvation.  As he made a plea

Learn How to Make Disciples

I am thrilled that NSU is starting up this Sunday, Feb. 10th!

North Side University is a 2-year intensive training for those interested in growing as a disciple-maker.  The training is comprised of course information, practicum experiences, and intentional mentorship.  At the end of the 2 years, a completion of this program would equip a disciple-maker to effectively carry out the Great Commission within his or her specific context.

THE 2-YEAR PLAN consists of:


The Truth About Jesus

  There is something so strong when church worship is centered around the Word of God and not ourselves.  While a commitment to and a love for the Bible has always been present at North Side, it just seems as if it grows in intensity each week.  I am so thrilled with what is going on at North Side! In

58 Tracks

NSW 2012.002-004

At the beginning of 2012, I huddled our worship team together to dream a bit.  I started with the slide above.  As worship leaders, I wanted us all to grow a bit.  I wanted us to respond to God’s revelation through worship, but I also wanted us to begin to really pray how we could apply Colossians 3:16 in our church.  How could our worship team better disciple and teach our church the truths of God’s Word?

Part of the answer?