When Life’s Not Fair

Ecclesiastes 8:1-17 – When we see the ungodly flourish and the godly struggle, we might question God’s standard of fairness. Part of trusting God is acknowledging that we may not understand why certain things happen.

Processing Politics

Knowing that power corrupts on an individual level, we understand that political positions can wield an endangering level of corruption. As we process politics, we must keep them subservient to God’s rule and reign over our lives.

Power Corrupts and Injustice Continues

Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3 – As long as people have authority over others, injustice will be rampant. Political and financial influences govern our society, and these structures reveal how people often take advantage of others.

Even the Antichrist Has a Term Limit

Daniel foresaw a clear progression of prideful rulers culminating in the reign of the Antichrist. For all the power amassed by God’s opponents throughout history, their end will be sudden and sure.

The Power of Humility

When it comes to governmental leadership, we often believe that most is accomplished through some type of conquering force. Jesus was a different type of King and setup a different kind of Kingdom.

Praying for National Leaders

Over a week after the election for President of the United States, much of the country still feels in limbo. With one side claiming victory and the other side refusing to concede, this process may continue for quite some time. Don’t feel helpless or hopeless. It’s time to go the second mile in praying for national leaders.

The Ending of Hostility

As the United States continues to further the philosophical divide, the greatest point of conflict has to do with how all citizens respond to God. As all nations rage against God, He has a sovereign plan to deal with every single one.

Waiting for the Election Results

If you stayed up late last night hoping to learn the status of the presidential election, you woke up with two realizations: you’re tired and we still don’t know anything. With tensions high now and people on alert, how should Christians respond?

The Changing of Majority

While the standard of morality within the United States continues to drift, Christians are left facing a different spiritual landscape. With the changing of the majority’s beliefs, we must adapt to ensure biblical faithfulness in rebellious times.