Waypoint (February 2024)

Waypoint helps us remember what God has done among our church family, and what we are looking forward to in the months to come. Check out the February 2024 edition of Waypoint here.

Vision + Mission 2023

Our church desires to take the Great Commission seriously and do our part to make disciples with all the opportunities given. We are prayerfully working toward some milestones in the coming year for the gospel’s sake.

Top 10 Sermons of 2019

In 2019, our preaching team worked through Mark, Membership Matters, Psalms [Vol. 1], Distinctive Discipleship, Malachi, and He Shall Be Called. Out of those sermons, the list below reveals the sermons that were viewed online more than any others. It is such a revealing and interesting list to see which sermons trended more than others. I pray that our church’s

Fall Forward

Whether you are a member or a guest of Rocky Creek, we want to keep you informed during this time of transition in the Fall of 2018. Rocky Creek continues to celebrate spiritual and numerical growth, and the church must provide space for current growth and plan now for continued growth in the future.


Open Doors

Whether you are a member or a guest of Rocky Creek, we want to keep you informed during this time of transition in the Fall of 2018. Rocky Creek continues to celebrate spiritual and numerical growth, and the church must provide space for current growth and plan now for continued growth in the future.


October’s Focus: Partnerships

“Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19) It’s a new month and that means it’s time for a new focus for the leadership at Rocky Creek.  Each month, we are focusing on a specific area to really develop as a church body.  Just to catch you up, here’s what we have been focusing on at Rocky Creek: January:

June’s Focus: Campus

It’s a new month and that means it’s time for a new focus at church.  Each month, we are focusing on a specific area to really develop as a church body.  Just to catch you up, here’s what we have been focusing on at Rocky Creek: January: Pastor – I am so thankful you allowed me to be your pastor!

2017 Sermon Series

I’ve been asked where we were going after the Titus series at Rocky Creek.  As of right now, I’ve got a plan for the rest of the year – series by series, week by week.  While I am open to change, I believe that through the time in the Word and prayer, I am really excited about what is coming up.

We’re Making Room for You

God is at work in the life of Rocky Creek Baptist Church!  We are seeing him do some mighty things in the lives of our people and in the lives of those they are engaging. In recent weeks as we have studied the Book of Jonah, God has been impressing on our hearts to open up the doors and pursue

Ministry Has No Promotions

Since we announced last week that God has called our family to serve Rocky Creek Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, we have been overwhelmed with love and support.  From those at Rocky Creek, those at North Side, and those on the outside, we have been so encouraged by those who have offered prayers and supportive words. Among all the kind