The Heart of Worship

This Sunday, we will be singing “The Heart of Worship” written by Matt Redman. Many of you probably know the story behind the song, but if you don’t, I have it included below. Like Redman’s church, it’s so easy for churches to get into worshipping their worship. Whether it’s a style, a preference, a feeling, or whatever, we come describing …


Praying at Santa Fe

So after I preach, I often have alot of doubts, second thoughts, and questions that I mull over. “Did that make any sense…did that connect with anyone…was I too pushy…was I bold enough…did I represent God well…did I misuse God’s Word…is anybody going to do anything with what I said today?” You know, nothing big or anything… But some of …


Singing Really Loud

I got to play bass at North Side yesterday morning, and I am beginning to notice something: you people sing really loud! I love it. Yesterday I felt like we all just had to tell God how much we loved him and how great he was, and just quiet voices couldn’t get it done. I love Fred Hammond. He’s a …


10 Ways to Avoid Building Community

I read this blog today that I thought was very revealing. It is 10 ways to avoid building community at church. The first 5 are: 1. Keep conversations short. 2. Always sit in your “assigned” seat. 3. Avoid new people. 4. Come in late. 5. Leave immediately after the service (or early). If you want the whole article and the …



I can’t wait to celebrate with the family tomorrow – HE GOT UP!!!

Thinking about HOPE while cutting grass

We are starting our 2-week series entitled, HOPE, tomorrow at North Side Baptist Church in Greenwood. I am so excited about the Easter season and I think that the next two weeks are going to be two of the most incredible, memorable days of worship in North Side’s history. OK, I know I sound like I am betting on some …


Overwhelmed with God

Wow – what an incredible family time in worship this morning! I know I sounded presumptious about thinking today was going to be great, but can you really be too presumptious about how incredible our God is?! Holy moly! He’s monstrous. He is so massive and we are so insignificant. Jeff brought a great reminder of that today. If you …


The Ending of the Overwhelmed Series…

So, if you are in the Greenwood area this Sunday, I hope to see you at North Side. We are wrapping up our Overwhelmed series, and I think it’s going to be pretty incredible. Maybe I’m being a little presumptious, but I just truly believe when you get together with God’s people who are overwhelmed with their problems, and you …


We’ll Understand It Better By and By

Today in worship was incredible. If you happenned to be at North Side this Sunday in Greenwood, it was beyond words. There are those moments that are everything less than stellar that last all of about four minutes in your memory. There are those moments, which upon many attempts, you can squeeze some rememberance of a certain event. And then …