Rethinking Women’s Ministry

Women face unique challenges in our culture. The call of the Word contradicts the claims of the world. The Bible provides clear guidance for how to transform an individual life, a group of friends, or even a church’s ministry geared toward raising godly women.

Scriptural Standard

If you desire to live life according to Jesus, you can’t ignore His book. The Bible has to be more than an honorable mention in your life to be a disciple of Jesus. All of your beliefs and behaviors must originate from the instructions in the Bible.

Titus Series Recap

Listen to some snippets from our 8-week sermon series through the Book of Titus. Get the entire series here.

Until Every Need Is Met

Until Every Need Is Met Titus 3:12-15   Christianity was founded upon what Jesus gave and yet we have turned church into what we get. The tendency in church can be to give as little as possible. Instead of showing minimal generosity, we should see how we can sacrificially give until every need is met. We have been shown God’s

Read Titus in One Sitting

I am so grateful for the time we have spent in the Book of Titus. On Sunday, I will preach the 8th sermon in the series from this book.  I do pray that it has helped you grow in knowledge, faith, and godliness.  It has done a work on me! As we prepare for Sunday, I want to encourage you to

Titus: The New American Commentary

I used Dr. Hayne Griffin Jr.’s commentary on Titus extensively during the Titus series at Rocky Creek. The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represent the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. Dr. Griffin was one of my seminary professors

Stirring Up Division

4/23/17 – Titus: Stirring Up Division (Titus 3:9-11) In our striving for church unity, we must avoid majoring in the minors. God’s Word teaches us how to maintain unity and deal with those who stir up division. Avoid Divisive Arguments (Titus 3:9) We must discern the difference between truths, trends, and traditions. Truths are the unchanging, unbending doctrines of God clearly

Christ Have Mercy

Christ Have Mercy (Titus 3:1-8) – We will never do enough good works to earn God’s favor.  Our only hope for salvation is if Christ shows us mercy. Objection #1: I’ve Been Hurt by the Church (Titus 3:1-2) The local church should be a force for good within the community.  We should make it difficult for others to hate the message because