Keep God’s Day Holy

Exodus 20:8-11 – The fourth commandment standardized a week by six days to work and one day to rest. Keeping the Sabbath day holy is about ordering our time to remember who we are not.

No Idols

Exodus 20:4-6 – The second commandment warned the people of belittling God to any type of idol. We must ensure we worship the God who made us, not the gods we attempt to make.

The Type of Worship That’s Magnetic

If we grasp who we are worshiping, we will understand that an hour a week will not suffice. In our awe of who God is, we cannot help but stay humble, which draws others to worship as well.

The LORD Is My Strength and My Song

Exodus 15:1-21 – At the banks of the Red Sea, the victorious Israelites worshiped the God who had saved them. We should live lifestyles of worship, constantly expressing gratitude to our faithful Deliverer. 

Worship as a Symphony

Worship is when we put our individual melodies aside and unite for symphonic praise that God wholeheartedly deserves. Gather with God’s people and make beautiful music together.

Selfish Worship

It’s problematic when even our motives for worshipping center on ourselves. Worshipers must realize that worship is ultimately not about them.