Sanctity of Life

GUEST BLOGGER: Kyle Richter – This complete article can be found in the current edition of the Compass. The dictionary defines sanctity as “the condition of being considered sacred or holy, and therefore entitled to respect and reverence.” The argument is often made that life demands respect and therefore abortion and euthanasia are wrong. According to the definition above the …


Top 5 Best Christmas Decorations

I have received some great links to some great Christmas decorations this year.  I thought I would share with you my top 5 of the season. 5. Frosty the Fisherman Never ever miss a fish. 4. Santa’s Trailer Did you happen to notice the flag flying in the front yard? 3.  Redneck Reindeer Words can’t even describe this… 2.  “Ditto” …


Do I Love Jesus More Than College Football?

I really wasn’t trying to cause a stink.  I just made a simple Facebook post one night that stated: Travis Agnew Wonders what could happen if the church put a half of the enthusiasm into Jesus that we do into college football rivalry week. I got some responses.  A lot of responses. Don’t get me wrong – I love college …


Help! I’m a Broke College Student

Our college group at my church was traveling to invest in some children at a missions project during the summer, and I was driving one of the vans full of students. I had just finished reading Dave Ramsey’s, The Total Money Makeover, and I was befuddled at some of the stats I read. I polled those riding on the van …


When Your Mentor Falls (Part 2): Don’t Overlook Your Frailty

When Your Mentor Falls (Part 2): Don’t Overlook Your Frailty Don’t Discount Their Impact Don’t Overlook Your Frailty Don’t Confuse the Fallen for the Savior In this second post of the series, I want to encourage you to watch out for something when your mentor falls.  When someone you look up to stops following Christ, don’t overlook your frailty.  It …


Guest Post by Al Mohler on Mark Sanford

I was working on my blog post for today, and I got a blog post from my seminary presdient, Dr. Al Mohler, on the state of Gov. Sanford.  Too good and too true not to share: A Governor, a King, and the Tragedy of Adultery The sad spectacle of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford continues to dominate the headlines as …


When Your Mentor Falls (Part 1): Don’t Discount Their Impact

I’m following up on an earlier post and want to talk about what to do when your mentor falls.  I will talk about a point on each post, but here are my main thoughts: Don’t Discount Their Impact Don’t Overlook Your Frailty Don’t Confuse the Fallen for the Savior When Your Mentor Falls (Part 1): Don’t Discount Their Impact If …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: Get Out of Facebook…

This week’s bad church sign of the week states: “GET OUT OF FACEBOOK AND GET INTO MYBOOK…GOD” I have a Facebook, and I have a Bible.  I like Facebook.  I love the Bible. Maybe we shouldn’t be so concerned about getting out of Facebook, but getting the Bible into Facebook. A standard answer for many Christians is to withdraw from …


Senior Adult Hip Hop Choir

On Tuesday, I went to a gathering for worship leaders across the state.  While I learned some good stuff, the highlight of the gathering was meeting Keith Watson of FBC Columbia who is now a YouTube legend.  Here’s the description of the following video: This was the opening video for our Student Fall Retreat called “You’ve Got Talent.” Everyone is …