The Necessary Switch in Your Marriage

Marriage cannot work if someone has a higher priority than the spouse. There must be a thorough yet healthy leaving of one’s initial family and a complete and eager cleaving of one’s unique spouse.

Fuge 2023 (NGU Recap)

As Christians, we are called to bear this image as Christ did on earth. Therefore, we are called to live as a new creation, one who is set apart and is a reflection of the God who created us and loves us.

The Real Heroes of Student Camp

The real heroes of a student camp aren’t the people on the stage but the chaperones driving the church vans. Here are some tangible ways to continue making an impact once you get home.

Disciples Aren’t Made on Conveyor Belts

Just because the process of discipleship requires specific work does not imply that it is too complex to undertake. The task is undeniably simple: discover what is most broken within any given individual and get to work in that exact area at this specific time.

How to Pray When Life Has Worn You Out

Life is challenging enough even with God in one’s life; it is hard to imagine navigating this world without Him. To endure the suffering of this life, we must pray for God to give us the strength required to persevere.

Let No Busyness Separate

Plan for a daily connection, a weekly date, and a yearly getaway for your marriage. If any or all of those three seem impossible to obtain, that reveals how great the need is.

The Reason We Struggle with Evangelism

You don’t have to share Jesus with others – you get to share Jesus with others! Maybe the reason you struggle in evangelism is that you’ve never considered what a privilege it is.

Fuge 2023 (Ridgecrest Recap)

As Christians, we are called to bear this image as Christ did on earth. Therefore, we are called to live as a new creation, one who is set apart and is a reflection of the God who created us and loves us.

All Beliefs Cannot Be True

Students desiring to follow Jesus in college must decide how they will define truth. If you don’t know what you believe or why you believe it, forces can successfully alter your worldview based on cultural opinions.