Worship Naysayers

2 Samuel 6:16-23 – At the end of the Ark’s reinstatement at the center of God’s people, David was surprised to encounter such disdain from one so close to him. To lead out in worship, we must learn how to handle worship naysayers.

Worship Pretenders

2 Samuel 6:1-15 – David desired to usher the people back into God’s presence, but he had foolishly not prepared to do so according to God’s design. We must avoid becoming worship pretenders, those who appear spiritual without the commitment of being biblical.

Leading in Ministry

Ambitious yet isolated individuals will not advance Kingdom work. Jesus’ plan to reach the world hinges on our ability to pass lessons and provide opportunities to those behind us. 

Avoiding Sinful Opportunities

While you might be prone to wander in certain ways, you are most likely more susceptible to temptation in particular places and at specific times. You’ve got to evaluate your habits to find victory against temptation.

Stilling Your Soul

I go to bed looking for recent updates. I wake up groggy wondering what I’ve missed on my phone the last few hours. I go throughout my day tethered to a device that constantly interrupts my concentration on what matters most. If you’re like me, it’s time to go the second mile in stilling your soul. 

Overview of 2 Samuel

I have loved preaching through 1-2 Samuel. This video explores the main ideas and flow of thought of the book of 2 Samuel. The Bible Project is a non-profit creating animated videos that explain the narrative of the Bible. These videos are free to use for personal and educational purposes. Download a full resolution version of this video along with …


Broken Bones

In the “Unashamed” Fuge 2016 series, I preached a message entitled “Broken Bones” on Night 2.  The sermon comes from 2 Samuel 11 & Psalm 51.  It speaks of David’s rampant sin being confronted and the brokenness that followed. Main Points Sin can start with being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sin can only be covered temporarily …


Undignified Worship

I love focusing on worship with worshipers. We started our services out by reading 1 Peter 2:4-10.  We then sang “All to Us” and “Burning in My Soul.”  It was great to see the focus early on in the services. After some announcements during offertory, we sang “10,000 Reasons.”  I got up before the message to read parts of Psalm 103 …