The Family Between Sundays

We started the service with a great intro video focusing on Psalm 103.  After that, our worship team led us in some dependence on God songs as we focused on the family – “Everlasting God” and “Lord, I Need You.”  After that, we got to see a pretty sweet video of the upcoming VBS week.  You can register your children …


Making Disciples Between Sundays

Our mission is to make disciples. Making disciples is simply intentional friendships that are saturated with the word of God and Christ-centered.  This 4th week in our “Between Sundays” series was such a great reminder for me personally about our call to go and make disciples. We started our services with a great video on Memorial Day. After that, the …


Are You Creating Consumers Instead of Disciples?

This edition of Short Sermon Saturday features a clip of Greg Laurie at the Resurgence 2013 conference.  In under 4 minutes, Laurie does a great job talking about how we should be as a church.  He asks the question: are you creating consumers instead of disciples?

Search Me

My wife and I both lead a discipleship group at our church.  While we love doing things as couples, and our groups do that, we have found a lot of men and women who will get more real with each other if the group is not co-ed.  Many of the guys in my group have wives in Amanda’s group.  We …


Kingdom-Minded Empty-Nesters

In the last year, I have had many opportunities to speak with congregations about the need for family discipleship.  While I love speaking with eager parents who want to apply the teaching immediately within their context, I also have this burden for empty-nesters. In every situation, I have had someone whose children are out of the home say, “I sure …


Diligent Discipleship

2nd week of our 2nd Peter series.  Loving this study so far. The Peak band led us in worship today.  They did such a fantastic job leading us.  Their talent is great, but I love their heart even more! They began with “Our God” and “Always.”  I loved hearing our church sing out – I feel like the church is …


Fast Forward with the Family

I was privileged to serve alongside South Main Baptist Church in Greenwood yesterday.  They are currently in a search for their next pastor and some of their staff and friends of the church have been asked to fill the pulpit until the interim pastor is selected.  I am blessed enough to be considered a friend and got to preach for …


Spiritual Multiplication

Have you ever heard of Dawson Trotman?  He was the founder of the Navigators.  Before he had a ministry program, he had a ministry.  He didn’t wait for a discipleship program to disciple someone.

After seeing the benefits of basic discipleship principles in his own life, Dawson Trotman wanted to teach them to others, echoing the call of 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”

Dawson began teaching high school students and local Sunday school classes these principles. In 1933, he and his friends extended their work to sailors in the U.S. Navy.

Spiritual multiplication can be seen in the story of Dawson and Les Spencer, a navy man on the USS West Virginia.  After Trotman had been teaching Spencer truths from God’s Word for some time, Spencer brought a friend from his ship to Trotman and said, “Dawson, I want you to teach him all you have taught me.”

But Dawson said, “I am not going to teach him; you are going to teach him. If you cannot teach him what I have taught you, then I have failed.”


The Discipleship of the Church


We had one of those days at North Side where you weren’t sure if the roof was gonna come off or Jesus was gonna come down!  I love worshiping with our family when we get after it like that.  I loved the diversity in our worship today and the intensity at every corner.  Our worship team works so hard to lead people to Jesus each week and I am so honored to lead beside them!  Today was simply a joy.

The above picture was my personal prayer focus for the day.  We took time and prayed specifically for military chaplains serving today.  As I was going through the prayer cards, I found one for a college friend, Jason Sluder.  It was great to be able to pray for him and the other chaplains today with our Be the Church highlight.  Such an honor to help support this ministry through our offerings each week!

Today, we worshiped to:


Summer Discipleship

Summer Discipleship

When you are still in school, summer can be a great gift for relaxation and, unfortunately, a great divergence for spiritual formation.

During the summer months, you have more time than ever to read the Bible, pray, and serve, but sometimes, that freedom can lead to laziness and apathy.

I’m hoping to help that for some of you.