The Messiah Tension

Yesterday, we concluded the Crossroads series with a message entitled, “The Messiah Tension.”  Many people are confused really if Jesus meets the qualifications of the long-awaited Messiah.  I talked about three major objections to Jesus in my message before getting to the real objection. The real objection to following Jesus for many people is they simply don’t want to follow …


The Muslim Salvation

Today was week 2 in the Crossroads series.  The message today centered on “The Muslim Salvation.” In my message, I spent half of the time giving the history of the prophet Muhammad and the foundation of Islam.  For the second part of the message, I explained five key differences between Islam and Christianity. We had a recording glitch yesterday, so …


The Jewish Faith

Today was the first day of the “Crossroads” series.  The message topic was “The Jewish Faith.” The praise band did great today.  It is such an honor to be led by worship by those guys and gal.  Their exaltation of Jesus being the only way led to my message in such a simple way.  The message got across before the …


Crossroads Series This Sunday

Three of the major world religions all claim the same source of beginning. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all hold Abraham to be the man from whom their religion began. But all three of these religions arrive at a dramatic crossroads at the person of Jesus Christ. The message, ministry, and life of Christ forever separated these movements. The Crossroads series …


Final Exam

Its 8:10.  I am giving my final exam for RELI 101 at Lander.  Don’t the students look so studious.  They have worked so hard, they are all going to make A’s on this one. Well, maybe not everyone… It’s been an honor to teach this crew this semester.  They have really thought through some sacred texts and ideas this semester. …


Last Fall Class (Exam Time…)

I taught my final class for the Fall semester at Lander today. It has been a whirlwind of a semester.  I haven’t posted a ton on the class, because honestly I have been so busy just preparing for the class!  That’s why I was crushed to find out the other day that my lecture notes were lost when my computer …


This Week’s Happenings

This week is busy.  Its busy with good stuff though, but alas it is still busy.  Here’s just a rundown of the stuff that’s keeping me alert this morning: CD Duplication – The company mastering our CD and duplicating them is deep in the process of it now.  North Side Worship “The Time is Now” album is in mass production …


1st Week of Class

Well, I have gotten a lot of questions from friends and family about my first week of class teaching at Lander, and there is a good reason I haven’t been able to blog about it yet: because I was teaching my first class at Lander this week. This week was extremely crazy for a few reasons: class did finally start, …


Reading Scripture(s)

I finally finished a pretty daunting task on Friday.  I finalized what the course reading would be for RELI 101: Sacred Texts and Ideas. After spending hours of reading the scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, my mind is very overloaded. The way these scriptures are written can be so completely different than another one.  Selecting passages to …


RELI 101 Planning

So, yesterday, I started with a whiteboard that looked liked this: I was spending some quality time working on the Religion 101 class I will be teaching in less than a month, Sacred Texts and Ideas. I was a tad bit overwhelmed. I’ve read.  I’ve thought.  I’ve read some more.  But I wasn’t sure how to you cram all the …