The Good Shepherd

John 10:11-18 – Jesus refused to flee when our endangered souls were in dire need. We marvel at the Good Shepherd who laid His life down for us on the cross to save us from our sinful wanderings.


The more we understand the identity of Jesus, the more we will comprehend the activity that should permeate our lives. The person and ministry of Jesus Christ meet our greatest needs. 

Premarital Caution

If you are considering marriage, I want to caution you in the right type of way. You can have a healthy marriage, but you both have to hold to one central focus to succeed.

Reclaiming Contentment

Stuff can’t save us, but that doesn’t stop us from thinking that the more that we have, the more contented we can become. The reality is that we must prioritize a settled disposition in our lifetime if we are going to survive materialistic traps.

I AM (Series Overview)

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus claims to be God in the flesh by using powerful metaphors that speak to His critical attributes. Discover how Jesus came to transform your life.


While Jesus’ death seemed like a shocking defeat to his followers, the crucifixion of Christ was God’s plan all along. By studying the context of the event, we can understand what Jesus truly accomplished. 

Experiencing Abundant Peace

Psalm 119:161-176 – We cannot avoid trouble in this life, but we can experience abundant peace through every trial. Keep a diligent desire to follow God’s instructions through hard times so you can endure.

Righteousness Requires a Standard

We can’t just make up standards without God’s help because we could never agree. If we are going to comprehend right and wrong, we must understand that righteous requires a standard.

Making Better Prayer Times

Even though prayer can be very challenging to stay consistent with focus and direction, we all know of its important for our lives. With some simple adjustments, you can create more effective times of prayer that will cause you to desire it more. It’s time to go the second mile in making better prayer times.