Assurance of Salvation

After we have put our faith in Jesus, we can often be led to question our salvation due to our circumstances. When we put our faith in Jesus, His work has saved us once and for all. 

Next Steps in Evangelism

Once someone has received the gospel, our job is incomplete. Jesus has called us to baptize those individuals and disciple them into mature faith.

Obstacles in Evangelism

As we share our faith, we will encounter common pushback. We need to understand these obstacles in order to help people move past them. 

Children and Evangelism

The Gospel is not just for those of a certain age. Jesus himself teaches that we should invite children to believe in Him. Ultimately, Evangelism begins in the home. 

Methods of Evangelism, Part 3

We can only know which method of sharing the gospel is most comfortable to us by practice and repetition. Once we have a preferred method, we can start to learn the best way to call for a response. 

Methods of Evangelism, Part 2

There are many methods to share the gospel, and there is no one surefire way. It is best to find some options that you feel comfortable using and get started by telling the greatest news to your closest relationships.

Methods of Evangelism

There is no one method for sharing the Good News of Jesus. The best practice is the one that makes us feel the most comfortable. 

Prayer and Evangelism

Prayer ought to be a vital component to anyone’s evangelism efforts. We don’t desire to trust in our abilities but seek to align, through prayer, with the One who cares for others more than we do.

Motivations for Evangelism

As Christians, we are called to evangelism. But why should we be motivated to do so? The more we understand Christ’s love for us, the more we will want to share it with others. 

Foundations of Evangelism

The task of evangelism is an expectation of all followers of Jesus, but few of us feel comfortable in undertaking it. We must understand the foundation of evangelism if we are to prioritize it in our lives.