How to Work as Worship

While jobs can bring stress, weariness, and drama, it can also provide Kingdom opportunities. Learn how to reinstate your work as a platform for worship and mission. Relearn Work isn’t a consequence of sin – frustration with work is (Gen. 3:17-19). God is a Creator, and He desires us to cultivate that Creation for good things. We should pray that

Work as Worship

Most people see work as…well, work. You might even be reading this article while at work trying to avoid work. Why is that? Is work evil? It can’t be. It is important to rethink of your work as being a part of your worship. RELEARN Work isn’t a consequence of sin – frustration with work is. Too many people wrongly

Four-Types of Work-Related Exhaustion

Most people talk about their jobs relating to how tired they are.  We almost wear busyness and stress as a badge of honor.  With the growing level of technology, we were supposed to experience more margin and less work but quite the opposite has happened. What causes work-related exhaustion?  I think before you realize what you need to do with

3 Vital Components of a Staff Member

An effective job has so much to do with what we do, how we do it, and who we do it with. While we are much more than what we do, a significant portion of our lives will be spent in the 9-5 realm.  That’s why how we approach work is so vital to our overall outlook in life.  Most

Disciples in the Workplace

Colossians 3:22-4:1 Disciples in the Workplace A disciple can never clock out of Kingdom work.  Even in the workplace, Christian bosses and workers must display a different level of intentionality and productivity for the sake of discipleship. Instructions for Employees (Col. 3:22) Since you claim to follow a faithful Savior, be a faithful worker. Four Types of Employees: Justified Rebel

On the Clock

On the Clock (Titus 2:9-10) – While we are on the clock vocationally, we are also on the clock missionally.  Even if your job isn’t in the ministry, you are in the ministry.   The concept of slavery in biblical times is extremely different from slavery in modern times. Old Testament teaching regarding the positive treatment of slaves was countercultural at the time. During the time of

My New Job

I woke up at my normal time today.  I walked into the same office.  But I have a very different job. Today, I started my job as Family and Worship Pastor at North Side Baptist Church in Greenwood, SC. We made the announcement yesterday of some major changes in the coming days with our church.  One of those was concerning

What’s “Worse” Than an Unbeliever?

“Blessed are the breadwinners. As men, we should consider it an honor to embrace our role as the primary providers of our families. This is part of our manhood and calling as representatives of God the Father — the One who established work as part of His creation and is still ‘working‘ (John 5:17) as an example for us to follow, continually providing for our daily needs” (From The Resolution, page 157).

Whether you love your job or hate your job, God desires that you embrace the blessed opportunity to provide for your family through your vocation. Unfortunately, many men find themselves unemployed and unable to provide for their families. Many different reasons exist for unemployment. Some men are unemployed for no wrongdoing on their part, but economic times have caused their jobs to be discarded. Some men are unemployed due to their bad attitude or lazy work ethic. Other men are unemployed because they quit because they thought they deserved more than their current job.

Your reasoning for unemployment will determine your method for finding a job.


How “Low” Would You Go for a Job?

My friend Jonathan never pictured himself unemployed. Obtaining a bachelor’s and masters degree in his field, he was a great candidate for many jobs. Working during his time at school, upon graduation, he was able to receive a great job with a good salary with benefits.

After a few years in this job, he took a stand for something he was right and it cost him. Unwilling to back down from his convictions, he was forced out of his job in a hard economic time. He sent out resumes all over town. Due to family situations, he was unable to look for unemployment outside of the city. For all of his job hunting, he came up empty.

The only place that was hiring was a job that was way below his education or his prior pay scale. It would also be a job where he would be visible and a reminder of his previous job termination.

He had a choice: humbly provide for his family or worry about his reputation?


Why Many Student Ministries Are Failing

Since the inception of student ministry (not that many years ago), the growing belief is that parents should aid and assist the student pastor to evangelize and disciple the students.  By serving in either assistant teaching roles or crowd control, parents are expected to help the student pastor in his ministerial work focused on their children.  I cannot begin to tell you how many parents describe that situation and say that the student pastor spiritually “raised my child.”

If we were to follow the biblical example, we would reverse the trend.  Parents should not aid and assist the student pastor.  The student pastor should aid and assist the parent to evangelize and disciple one’s own child.