
Sermon Series on Nehemiah

During Nehemiah’s day, God’s people were discouraged and directionless. God raised up a leader to inspire other leaders to reinstate God’s people by uniting together for God’s original purposes. Met with significant challenges, they continued to press on to the work assigned to them. As we study this book together as a church, we will prayerfully accept the calling on our lives to be God’s people united for God’s work here in Greenville and beyond.

Nehemiah Sermons

When It’s Not What It’s Supposed to Be

Nehemiah 1:1-11 – Once Nehemiah heard the condition of God’s people, his brokenness led him to prayer. When our circumstances are not what they are supposed to be, do we approach God for His help?

When God Puts a Plan Together

Nehemiah 2:1-20 – Nehemiah risked his comfort to evaluate the work required to reestablish the people of God. When God puts a plan together, we see how He uses people and processes to accomplish something great.

When We Work Together

Nehemiah 3:1-32 – As the work on the wall began, Nehemiah organized the people into specific groups to accomplish the greater task. When we work together as the people of God, we can marvel at the progress He intentionally makes among us.

When Forces Oppose God’s Work

The opposition increased as Nehemiah and the people made progress on the wall. When forces oppose God’s work, we must stay faithful to His calling, knowing that He is more powerful than any resistance aligned against us.

When We Fail to Help Each Other

Nehemiah 5:1-19 – After slowing down the opposition of outsiders, Nehemiah addressed how the rich were wrongfully exploiting the poor among them. When we fail to help each other, we work against that which God has called us to accomplish.

When We’re Tempted to Slow Progress

Nehemiah 6:1-19 – The people not only experienced organized efforts to slow them, but certain people also conspired against the leadership. When we’re tempted to slow progress, we must discern God’s will among all the competing voices.

When Everyone Is Accounted For

Nehemiah 7:1-73 – As the workers prepared to settle into the land, Nehemiah assembled them to ensure all were covered. When everyone is accounted for among the people of God, we can rest knowing that we all have others watching out for us.

When the Word Is Central

Nehemiah 8:1-18 – As the people gathered together, Ezra, the scribe, read God’s Word to the assembly to obey it. When the Word is central among the people of God, we can better operate the way God intended us to live.

When Conviction Comes

Nehemiah 9:1-38 – After listening to the Word of God, the people were aware of their sins and repented. When conviction comes, we must humbly approach God with a restorative desire.

When We Give Together

Nehemiah 10:1-39 – As the people commit to keeping the covenant, they also agree to fund the temple’s financial requirements. When we give together, we join our generous offerings and stand amazed at what God does through aligned efforts. 

When We All Know Our Roles

Nehemiah 11:1-36 – The people of God organized their efforts and installed leaders in critical areas. When we all know our roles, we are better if we serve according to our giftedness and others’ requirements.

When We Celebrate God’s Work

As the people dedicated the wall’s completion, a joyous celebration commenced. When we celebrate God’s work, we should be known by sincere thanksgiving.

When the Compromises Come

Nehemiah 13:1-31 – Nehemiah left the city for a short time, and opposing voices emerged in an attempt to change direction. When compromises come among the people of God, we must commit to rerouting to God’s expectations.