Defining Successful Parenting

Successful parenting must be defined by what God values most in our children’s lives. Parents must take the responsibility to be the primary evangelists and disciple-makers.

Rebels Require Reconciliation

Since sin is rebellion against God, we are in need to be reconciled to Him. If you don’t think your sin warrants such an action, you really don’t grasp the weight of disobedience.

Organic & Organized Local Missions

Some churches pit organic and organized evangelistic efforts against each other. Both are important. You want the natural relational evangelism to take place, but churches would benefit by creating organized efforts too.

Eliminating Newlywed Debt

Nothing can bring strain to a newly married couple like debt. Do what you can to reduce debt together and enjoy the freedom you were meant to experience.

Suffering Is Necessary for Sanctification

No one seeks to experience suffering, yet many of us could testify that it was necessary for our personal sanctification. As we struggle through life, we see that the trials we experience drive us to need spiritual growth.

Family Ministry Rules & Responses

How should church leaders and ministry volunteers interact with misbehaving children and questioning parents? You’re not helping anyone if you don’t address the issues, but there are wiser ways to do so.