The Membership of the Church


What a special day to be a part of North Side!  Our service started out with the band leading and then we got the joy to pass the microphones over to Point of Grace’s Leigh Cappillino and her husband, Dana, and their daughter, Darby.  I tried to give them some band names for the day but they never stuck (The VonCapps, The Flying Cappilinos, The Cappillino 3, Leigh & the Cappillinos).

Jo Anne Reinhardt gave a great testimony about giving or going to Shake-n-Shine this year, a great church membership testimony from Terri Budreau, and then we got to hear a fantabulous message on church membership.

Leigh Cappillino sang with the Parlers and Kennerlys in college at Charleston Southern and have remained friends since then.  They were nearby visiting family and were gracious enough to pop in and sing for us this morning.  What I love about this family is how real they are.  With all the success Leigh and Point of Grace has had over the years, they are so grounded, humble, and genuine.  And in addition to their character, they are phenomenal musicians!  They did such a great job!

Today, we worshiped to:


The Authority of the Church


While Jeff Lethco can preach anything well, I love the stride he gets in when talking about the church.

It was a powerful start to our “Church Matters” series today as we focused on the authority of the church. For us, it’s Scripture.  We won’t be conditioned by expectations.  We don’t have to cave in to comparison traps.  We don’t have to try to woo or keep anyone based on preferences.  We want to be obedient to God’s Word.  And oftentimes, churches can begin to base all of their activity and identity on something that is totally absent in the Bible.

Today, we worshiped to:


Church Matters

Church Matters_t

Sunday, we are starting a series at North Side entitled “Church Matters.”  During the summer, we are going to look at what the New Testament says about what a church is and is not.

Much confusion exists today on what a church is and what a church should be doing.  We hope to clarify that.  Not with our opinions or thoughts, but the Word of God.

We recently got some church members together to talk about how being a part of North Side has changed their lives.  It was incredible to listen to their stories:


The Story of Job

Job Grab

What a wonderful day of worship at North Side!  I got the incredible privilege to preach to finish up our 2-week series, “Through the Storms.”  Ken Petrus did such a fantastic job sharing his heart last week, and it is an honor to follow his lead!

During his message last Sunday, I felt the direction to go in a different path than previously scripted.  I feel like the Holy Spirit was guiding me to preach through the entire Book of Job.

From the perspective of Job.

I went into character for the message today.  I even grew a beard for this message (that’s commitment ;))!  I tried to convey what it’s like when you go through a storm and want to ask God why you are in it.  Then, what it is like when he actually responds.  As I traveled through the book, we would put up key scriptures to keep people moving along.  At the end when God finally speaks, we used some really neat pictures of God’s creation to drive home the truth that God is in control.  The band went right into “Indescribable,” which much of the imagery there comes straight out of Job 38-42.

Today, we worshiped to:


“Are Your Musicians Paid?”

During the process of “Knowing Jesus,” I was asked a question frequently by many different people: “Are your musicians paid?” I think it stems from the fact that I am around such quality people and it causes many people to stand in bewilderment.  Surely, he has to pay these people because of their high caliber.  I really am blessed to

Bad Church Sign: We Love Hurting People

  This week’s bad church sign: WE LOVE HURTING PEOPLE Thanks for the warning.  I will make sure to steer clear of you in the future so that I am not your next victim 😉

Bad Church Sign: Your Mother is What?!

  Here’s a church sign for you just in time for Mother’s Day: “SHE AIN’T HEAVY SHE’S MY MOTHER.” Good to know, church with a pulse, good to know. And I imagine your mother is happy to know that as well!

Send Montreal


This has been a whirlwind of a week.  Monday morning, I traveled to Montreal, Canada to meet, encourage, learn, and pray for church planters in that area.  We were back Tuesday night!  It was a fast paced but a very special time.

Our time was spent with passionate men of God, who are dedicated to the Great Commission.  They love the Lord with their hearts but also their minds.  They have studied that city and know the areas in which they are trying to reach.  Spending time with the Send Montreal team of the North American Mission Board was not only educational but edifying as well.

Montreal’s history is unique.  There was a time when the city basically walked away from organized religion.  The city is now 0.5% evangelical Christian and there is 1 church per 185,000 people in that area.

We were invited to come and see the work that is being done.  While the stats seem bad, God is at work.


The Love of Christ


Powerful day of worship.  It was great to begin celebrating Passion Week as a church family.  Jeff’s message was so true.  1 John 4 paints a picture of the love of Christ that is simply breathtaking.  He wanted to save us.  He loves us.  Christ loves people like me!

Today, we worshiped to:


Love {in}Deed Recap


Still hearing reports of all God did through his church on Sunday as North Side participated in a Love {in}Deed day as we served Greenwood.

We said, “Amen,” and then we went throughout the city to serve others.  As the worship service concluded, the real service began.

Here were some of the feedback we received from just a few of our sites: