Leaving Jesus Destitute

Matthew 25:31-46 – In The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus taught that whatever we do for others, or refuse to do, directly correlates to our relationship with Him. By refusing to meet the needs of others, many of us have left Jesus destitute.

VBS 2022

We are having a great week sharing Christ with some incredible children. Here are some updates and recaps as they come this week.

Your Kids Need an Intentional Home & Church

If I consider all the homes that have created a spiritually-flourishing environment, there are common characteristics. With the challenges of our society, I believe a partnered effort between the home and the church is essential for success.

Waypoint (May 2022)

God is doing some amazing things among our church family. Hear about what has happened in recent months and some incredible opportunities that God has laid before us.

How to Be a Great Church Member

1 Thessalonians 5:25-28 – To be a part of a local church means that we give and we receive for the mutual benefit of all members. Discover what differentiates between a stagnate and supportive disciple within this church.

There Isn’t a Perfect Church Formula

We often look at the successes of other ministries and attempt to copy and paste it into our own contexts. God doesn’t want you to replicate His work from another place; He has called your church to accomplish something specific.

Coupled Companions

Your marriage needs healthy support around it in the form of consistent, Christlike friendships. If you want your marriage to strive, ensure that you have people around you who desire the same thing.