The Manifold Wisdom of God

This project focuses upon the teaching ministry of North Side. These 10 tracks were taken from 10 pivotal messages preached to our congregation in 2011. Our worship team then trimmed the messages down, arranges, composed, and recorded some music to accompany these biblical truths in an attempt to further disciple those who would listen. As a result of this project, …


The Man Born Blind

What a fantabulous day at North Side!  We were thrilled to release our new album “The Manifold Wisdom of God: Sermon Remix 2011” (photo courtesy of Taylor Wolfe).  While I couldn’t talk Jeff into doing his part live, the band did accompany his preaching.  We played track #10 off of the album which is in my top 2 favorite tracks.

Thank you for all that got copies today.  I loved hearing about the lines at the bookstore!  Hope the biblical truths are impacting you today!

Today, we worshiped to:


The Revelation of the Christ

As we continue our Christology, this week we are focusing on the teaching ministry of Jesus.  This is the Revelation of the Christ.  Through his preaching, he displayed the attribute of wisdom as he proclaimed words of life.

Nobody taught like Jesus.  No one will ever teach like Jesus.  He was able to communicate long messages to all types of people and his words survived in a mainly oral culture for us to read today.

Some things to remember about Jesus’ teaching ministry:


Sermon Remix 2011: Track Listing

You are looking at the great cover that Cory Wilson designed for our upcoming Sermon Remix 2011 album.  If you missed this announcement, we have taken pivotal messages at North Side from 2011, spliced them down to under 5 minutes, written and recorded music to back them up.

Since the last time I mentioned it here, we have added 2 additional tracks.  An EP is a 5-7 song collection, when you get all the way up to 8, you might as well go for 10!  Jeff picked two additional messages from last year on Habakkuk and Nicodemus.  So glad these were included!

Cory did a wonderful job on the artwork, and the final mixes are being worked on currently and they are sounding great.  The worship team members who have been involved have all stated that they thought this was a neat idea, but now, listening to them, they are blown away with how impacting these tracks are all the while being impacted by biblical truth.  This is a very unique project and we can’t wait to get it in your hands on Sunday, March 18th.

Here is the back cover and the track listings:


Sermon Remix: 2011

I’ve mentioned in the last couple of weeks some pretty exciting stuff coming up for North Side Worship this year.  I’ve talked about how we plan on discipling our church through our worship ministry.  I shared with how I felt the Holy Spirit was leading to a pretty big initiative and our team jumped at all the opportunities.  Let me now share our 1st offering coming your way very, very soon.

In many of our previous recordings, we have included a spoken-word track.  On Overcome, it was a message that was trimmed down from 40 minutes to 4 minutes with some music written for the piece.  The sermon served as a catalyst for the entire album and really summed up a lot of how God was leading our church at that time.  Jeff was originally against the idea because he didn’t want to have a lot of focus upon him.  I was able to talk him into it, and since we have released that album, I have heard more encouraging words concerning the track “Don’t Give Up” over any other track on the entire project.  It is powerful.

And I’ve always wondered: what would it be like if an entire project was dedicated to a sermon remixes?


It’s Always Better With People Like This Around

Tuesday night, I huddled up members of our worship team and shared some direction I’ve been feeling for 2012.  As we completed our last recording project, God had been pressing on my heart a few different things, and over the course of the last couple of months, through prayer and study, I really have fleshed out a direction that I feel like would be honoring to God.

The only problem with sharing it with this group is: the plan sounds kinda crazy.  It’s very different.  It’s pretty ambitious, and there’s a lot that someone could look at say, “There’s no way that’s gonna happen.”

In that meeting, I was shocked to find something completely different.


The Health of Your Heart

What a powerful day today!  Band, singers, choir, tech team did awesome today!  All I did was give an announcement and be led in worship by some fantastic people.  Wonderful prayer time.

Loved that one of our host team preached for us today.  Jerry Rentz, door greeter extraordinaire and elder at North Side, brought the Word today!  He did great.  Love his passion and his authenticity.  Learn from him so much!  He shared a lot of what God has been teaching him in 25 years of dedicated service in prison ministry.  When he said that some of the most passionate, godly men he knew were behind bars, it woke me up.

I had someone come up to me after 1st service and say, we better watch out or some church may hire our greeter as their preacher.  He then said, “How could you not hear God speaking to you today?”  I agree.

Today, we worshiped to:


Preachers’ Kids

Our culture has a stereotype of pastor’s children that is the complete opposite of this biblical expectation.  When people mention a “preacher kid,” they are normally referencing some rebellious hellion bent on tarnishing his father’s reputation in the community.  This stereotype reveals more than an unfortunate circumstance, it shows unbiblical perspectives and qualifications present in the church today.

Repeatedly, many preacher kids reveal a father who took care of the needs of everyone else except for those living in his own house.  In attempts to appease this member or that family, he neglected his own wife and children.  As the years went by, not only does the minister’s family resent the man of the house, but they also resent the church and many never return once they leave home.

Your pastors need to care for their own children more than they care for your children.


Prepare the Way for the Lord

I was so thankful that my buddy, JW, got to lead us in worship today at North Side!  We did a highlight for our Sonshine ministry at North Side, and Greg Thompson and JW helped us be mindful of how God is using all of North Side.  After the video, they both shared, JW prayed and then led in worship to “I’ll Fly Away.”  Awesome time!

Today, we worshiped to: