Are You a Closet Techie?

Today, I am writing asking you to consider joining one of our Sunday morning tech teams. As the need is growing, I want to have 4 teams full of volunteers who serve one week a month. With the growing needs, I need volunteers to come to practice on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. If you can’t be there on Wednesday, …


Leadership Team Retreat

Tuesday through Thursday, I went to Hickory Knob State Park with North Side’s leadership team to strategize and to simplify.  We worked on the year’s upcoming budget and calendar and also tweaked a few things that needed improving.  While there is no way to include everything we worked through, I can give you a few topics so you can be …


Upcoming Sermon Series

The “You Asked for It” series has been unbelievable this summer.  Many churches talk about a loss of corporate momentum through a summer slump as attendance varies from week to week, and people’s interest just seems to wane.  Having our church members submit their questions through the blog and be answered from the pulpit has definitely kept people perked up. …


“Doesn’t Anybody Stay Together Anymore?”

Have you ever had someone that you look up to fall morally?  Have you witnessed up close the hurt associated with affairs?  In the recent days, our nation has been reminded in many cases the fallout associated with marital unfaithfulness.  From celebrities to politicians to pastors, it seems like no one is exempt from the possibility.  If you are like …


Props to the Submerge Staff

As I am still processing all the wonderful stuff at Submerge, I thought I would send out one of my posts to the incredible Submerge staff. Band (Matt, Evan, Cory, Robert, Steven, and Elliot) – This group, comprised of members of different churches, united to lead in worship.  Incredible hearts with incredible talents make a wonderful worship team, and we …


10 Reasons I’m Excited About Submerge 09

Submerge 09 starts next week on Friday; our staff leaves on Thursday to set up.  Here are 10 reasons I’m excited about Submerge 09: It will be warm enough to go to the beach this year (versus last year’s Spring Break feeling like Winter Break). Due to the summer time, we have a great representation from churches with different Spring …


Whose Job Is It to Evangelize My Child (The Church’s or Mine)?

In an increasingly busy society, many forces compete against the unity of the home.  Parents should utilize the local church to assist in raising godly children.  Neglecting the local church concerning a child’s development is not only detrimental to the child’s spiritual vitality but also exposing the parents’ limited resources.  While the local church does serve to bring the family …


Your Kids’ Best Chance

Today, we started the Legacy series at North Side.  I started it out with a message entitled “Your Kids’ Best Chance.”  You can listen to it here.  May is going to be an incredible month as we focus on the family.  I am so excited for what is in store.  Are you ready to see your home change?  Remember, my …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: Awakening the Goddess

This week’s bad church sign states: “ALL ARE WELCOME WOMENS GROUP AWAKENING THE GODDESS.” If it is a women’s group, are all truly welcome?  Can men come to this women’s group? Which goddess needs to be awoken? I am kind of frightened to understand what type of church is on up this road.  Many people have stopped focusing on the …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: Women’s Bible Stud

I laughed out loud when I saw this church sign this week.  I hate when my wife puts out a description of me (ha, ha): “Women’s Bible Stud.” I am so thankful for that missing “Y.”  I don’t know if: a) the wind blew it off revealing God’s sense of humor, b) someone stole it to be funny, or c) …